Carole Gagné Ince
Drawn to "community" through art
Page 61
Laura Rainbow
Hello, my name is Laura Rainbow. I am Croatian, married to an Englishman, hence the surname. I am a ceramicist, and my main tools are my hands. I pinch, coil, slab and throw clay. My favourite finishing technique is ancient Raku firing. I supplied Carole with several photos of my hands in action and she chose the photo where my muddy hands are shaping clay on the potter’s wheel. It’s magical and rhythmical circling motion is mesmerising for anyone watching or indeed anyone who tries their own hand at creating something out of mud. Which in itself is grounding and relaxing activity.
As a teacher who teaches adults to play with clay, I really don’t have to try very hard to spread good in the world. I just teach people what to do with a lump of clay and watch the transformation of the energy around them and within them. The happiness and content people take home after they played with clay is definitely helping me spread some happiness around and is making the world a better place.
Zovem se Laura Rainbow. Hrvatica, udata za Engleza (otuda prezime).
Keramičarka sam a moj glavni alat su moje ruke.
Obožavam alternativne tehnike a jedna od omiljenih je drevno raku paljenje.
Dala sam Carole nekoliko fotografija a ona je izabrala ovu gdje blatnjavim rukama oblikujem glinu na lončarskom kolu.
Lončarenje je magično i ritmično ne samo za promatrača nego i za svakoga tko je probao stvoriti nešto iz blata tj gline. Glina je sama po sebi uzemljujuća i opuštajućapa se odrasli početnici koje učim na ečajevima i radionicama vrlo brzo smire, uzemlje i prodšu. Idu kući sretni a ja i na taj način širim dobru volju, dobre vibracije i posredno činim svijet boljim i sretnijim mjestom za sve nas.